Most of us including myself take for granted where we are, who we are, where we live,the food we eat, the "medicine" we take, the general love and care the people that surrounds us give us.
We all have grown up with struggles of that I am sure of. Some much more difficult then others but at the end they were all painful. Learning each day to be truly HUMBLE is a endless valuable lesson, no one in this world deserves to be more happy then others but yet that's is all we live by - competing with each-other, destroying each other, hurting each-other and always wanting to be better then the person next to us.
We all are humans beautiful, unique wonderful, infinite loving humans with the capacity to do the unthinkable. But in our path towards "success" or dreams we forget to be HUMBLE. We forget how to genuinely give love, to facilitate the healing process of others. We forget how other people around the world are on a death bed fighting for their life with each breath and we are here ... Being upset for not getting the car you want, the shoes you've been dying to have or the vacation you wanted to go to get drunk to waste your money & degenerate your body.
Helping others genuinely and putting yourself in a situation where you can help those who are hungry, crying, sick, cold, depressed, angry, living in horrible conditions etc even if it's once a month can help us maybe not walk their shoes but definitely open our hearts to reality and see/feel how much of a DIFFERENCE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US CAN MAKE IN THIS PLANET. #Love #weareone #unity #compassion #humbleness