

Overcoming Depression

 Depression :  May be describe as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, down, recurrent negative thoughts , self harm.

 This is a topic close to my heart & I want to share it with you guys because maybe one of you are going thru something like it or know some one battling with depression and hopefully this may help one way or another.

 For many years I dealt with depression some days more then others but overall it was a day-to-day issue. Then I decided to take medication for it (big mistake ), I was unaware of the harms of these types of medications and was on them for 3 years on and off. Battling with depression is not easy and sometimes not even noticeable on others, because we tent to put this shield and pretend everything is ok or get a costume to the word this is life! our mind has a million and one thoughts and close doors when we are alone its when we feel it a bit more. Depression comes in diferent levels , at different stages of our lifes, teenage years, post partum, loss of a family member or friend, bad grades, unhealthy relatioships, unhealthy home environment or even our jobs just to name a few. Life is full of up and downs at some point we will face unhappy moments that can last a short period of time or even years, depression is treated here with medication or psychotherapy, the reality is that we all will experience a blue moment in our life that may take over our days but a very important tool we need is how we can overcome this feeling no matter your situation. Battling depression at a young age living alone and with all the responsibilities being independent comes with was definitely not easy. That's when alcohol and binge eating took over my life I was not noticing that all my problems where the leading cause of this.Depression medications come with so many side effects and we think its ok because it was prescribed to us, but are these medications really helping us? My opinion is NO, they are just stimulants filled with chemicals that are very harmful to our bodies. This is why they have side effects don't they? Here are a few side effect source (helpguide.com)*Nausea  * Insomnia * Anxiety * Restlessness * Decrease Sex Drive * Dizziness * Weight Gain * Headaches *Constipation *Sleepiness or Fatigue 

so basically we are prescribed a medication to help us feel better and get rid off depression right? Well yes, that is supposed to be the purpose, but the reality is that this medications are only made to make you worst, I don't think if you or I have depression we want to feel even worst by adding all this other symptoms. That will be like taking a medication for a headache that makes your headache worst in other ways, it makes no sense but unfortunately RX are here just for the money not for the sake of our health. 

So were am I going with this, well after having depression and even suicidal thoughts, when I began my life style change and physical activity this symptoms and thoughts began to minimize my view of life was changing and ability to think of the impossible was more clear. Food has so much power it can really change our life’s but becareful because not everything that looks appealing is good for us, this is why I cannot say enough choosing carefully what you eat or give to your kids have a huge influence on how we feel.  FOOD IS MEDICINE. The more plant based diet you have while adding a physical activity you enjoy, the more your serotonin levels rises. Your mood, thoughts and feelings become happier ones. (this does not mean you eat this way you will automatically be depression free). What I mean is that everything comes with life style changes, we all want a magic pill for everything but this has consequences, so what not better then modifying you life style while bettering your health and life in great ways for a better you. 

Here I want to share with you some steps for helping not only our depression but our life’s in general. Loving you, your body and acknowledging how wonderful your are no matter the amount of faults your have ( because guess what – no one is perfect and even the people you think that are the closest they too have faults ) don't compare your self to others, this is one big mistake we often make which can lead us to depressive moods ( because we always wish to have what others have) . Know that you are unique and even when you think you are not enough or are not where you want to be, stop breath and think this twice. YOU and YOU only have the power to manifest wonderful beautiful things here on earth, and even if life is unpleasant to you right now, remember that there is no light without darkness. 

#1 Eating a diet high in nutrients : meaning more fruits and veggies in great quantities. 

#2 Fill Your Plate with Essential Antioxidants 

#3 Eat Smart “ carbs “ for calming effect : Healthy, smart carbohydrates are found in whole, plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, minimally processed whole-grain products like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa and whole-wheat bread as well as beans, lentils, nuts and seeds. *source * Livestrong.com 

#4 Exercise : Weather is taking a walk, jog, yoga, or even jumping in the treadmill.  ( try a work out you have never done take that leap of faith and do it , you will never know how you truly feel about it until you try it !) exercise is essential for a healthier mind and body. 

#5 Be Grateful : Each morning say a small prayer of the things you are Grateful for ( this can help bring out the positive more then the negative, for your day to go smoother) 

#Meditate : even if its 10 min in your home , your bathroom, any where were you are alone and their is minimum noise. Meditation has been found to help with depression weather it is cause by external events or chemicals imbalances in the brain. Having that one to one moment and being able to release all this emotions it is beyond beneficial for our health. After you feel comfortable with it you can take a moment to medicate even on your worst moments at any place. BREATH is LIFE and when we practice meditation and noticing you breath, this will help you maintain stability in your life. So please get you MEDITATION ON, this is for everyone with depression or not.( google meditation classes around your area some might even be free-take advantage of the internet )

#6 Remember the Phrase “ You are what you eat “ – this has to do a lot with mood changes & depression, the more fatty, processed foods, sugary and artificial foods you eat the more you will be on the edge of depression or making it worst.  Because we often associate food with emotions, binge eating can be deadly for many of us. As I like to say – have the good things in moderation and the bad on recession. 

#7 Eat Fruits: Colorful fruits and fruits high in antioxidants help our bodies to reduce oxidation which can be a cause of mood swings and depression. For example ( blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, beans, artichokes, prunes ) 
#8 Love your self; don't ever forget that you are unique, beautiful and without you the world would not be the same, so do things that make you happy and enjoy giving time for yourself. 

#9 Try to do something you like doing at least once a day and little by little you might incorporated more and more, even when your schedule is full all day everyday plan something for your self, it doesn't always have to be about spending money, it can be a walk alone having this time to think breath and release the stress for the past days, visiting a friend, exploring a new city, go get a massage, doing a new exercise or even buying a book and having couple of hours for your self to read it. Anything do anything you like, we often get carried away on the day to day life work, school, kids etc. and then we make it even worst by saying I don't have time, I cant. Remember what I always say what ever you think repeatedly it manifest so take that can't 
and make it into I AM I WILL.

#10 LOVE YOURSELF; don't ever stop loving yourself each and every one of your are special and wonderful in so many ways even if people don't tell you this, just know it. And you’re capable of everything you set your mind, so let think positive and eat healthy vibrant foods. 

` Thank You so much for reading I love you all & don't forget if you are going thru a hard time, if this wouldn't be happening personal growth wouldn't be possible and I’m sure non of us would like to be stuck in the same place so each and every day we are alive to grow learn and teach. 


# GodBlessYouAll <3 

( Disclaimer: I am not a doctor , nor any information mention here is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or presevent any disease. )

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