

Coconut Water Fast | How ?

 Hello gorgeous souls ! 

Two weeks ago my body was asking me for a vacation, in other words some time to heal & regenerate without having food ; in this case any solid foods. On Monday April 27  I took my awesome friend in which he is Raw Vegan  to a warehouse where they sale fruits in bulk, I was just going to take him but once I saw the coconuts an instant feeling of happiness was felt in my body , so I then said " oh I totally should fast for at least 2 days with coconut water " my friend said yes you should totally do that . I walked out the ware house with two happy heavy boxes of thai coconuts. 

On Tuesday I began my fast how ? Drinking only Thai coconut water in which I included eating the meat ( to many coconuts to have just let them go to waste ) , I made sure to drink enough Amount of filtered water as well as water with slices of lemon . When we are fasting it is important to keep a balanced intake of water , because even when we are drinking nothing but liquids the amount of sugar we are digesting from fruits or just simple coconut water can rise our sugar levels when is not being balanced. Therefore it is important to maintain hydrated with water ; in my opinion water with  3-4 slices of lemon would be better because why drink plain water when adding some lemon can benefit you greater right ? This will help alkalize & detoxify the body. Coconut water can be dehydrating as well as any other drink , being conscious of having balanced food and drink intake thru-ought our daily life's will help us and our bodies so much more. Water with lemon aids the digestive system and makes the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easier which I'm sure that's a plus for us :) . 

So , how is fasting with coconut water beneficial for us ? 

Fasting in general has unlimited benefits due to the healing time we are giving our bodies to stop overworking like they do every day & every minute of the day just by chewing and drinking 2 or more food ingredients. our bodies literally do magic to break it down covert it into energy or fat and absorbing the most nutrients possible . It might sound easy and feel as if all This is not happening all at the same time but the truth is that yes it is our bodies are so beautiful , special and incredible that they try their best in every single bite you take to give you the best nutrients possible. Leaving time for our cells , mind, muscle , organs to relax and not over work has so many healing benefits, just as when we Take a nap or go to sleep at night after a tiring day  from our daily living activities . 

Here are 10 benefits of fasting I acquired from lifehack.org  

1-  Helps with weight loss 
2- Improves with insulin sensitivity 
3-  Speeds up metabolism 
4-  Promotes longevity
5-  Improves hunger 
6-  Improves your eating patterns 
7-  Improves your brain function 
8-  Boost immune system 
9-  Contributes to self enlightenment
10-  Fasting helps clear skin and acne  

10 Benefits of coconut water : 

1-  Aids in weight loss
2-  Moisturizes skin 
3-  Facilitate Digestion 
4-  Boost Hydration
5-  Reduces Blood Pressure 
6-  Rich in Super Nutrients 
7-  Compatible with human blood 
8-  Helps with Cholesterol levels 
9-  Treats Headaches 
10- Filled with Electrolytes ( gives you energy ) 

So with that being said , fasting  can be done in different ways . Fasting with no food at all, only with water, having a mono meal or only one type of fluid intake in my case was coconut water . I have personally done many different fast but I have to admit this one was very fulfilling and powerful . 

Instructions on how to coconut water fast :

Buy organic ( if possible )young Thai coconuts have a minimum of 6 per day which equals to 1,620 calories per day you can the meat from the coconut which can make it easier for fasting beginners , make sure to have 1/2 of your body weight in oz of water , you may add slices of one yellow lemon for better digestion and for you not to get tired of plain water . Make it fun, adjust it your way if needed this is your journey and there is no right or wrong . Continues this for as long as you desire , you can do it for one day every week or 3 days to begin with . Set a goal , repeat it and visualize it. Believing in your self it's the first step , because when you don't things are harder and might end up breaking half way . Be conscious of your breathing because it's extra energy & of-course it helps us detoxify better , if you start having headaches , mood changes & or other small symptoms know that it's all because you are detoxifying , nothing to be worried about- breathe in and out and drink water if you feel any of this symptoms , stay strong and positive because nothing worth having comes easy . 

Breaking the fast - once you have done 1 or more days of coconut water fasting the first foods should be easy to digest and high in water content , I suggest having fruits ex: watermelon , honey dew , strawberries , blueberries and so on ) for your first meal then gradually adding more , eat a salad with your favorite toppings and of course always drinking lots of water, make sure that you are chewing everything multiple times and breaking your foods as much possible so your stomach doesn't stress so much after a wonderful cleanse . Once you have integrated solid foods again be more conscious about you eating habits and adding more plant based ingredients into your plate . :) 

( if you have any questions please email me at linaloveforhealth@gmail.com ) & I'll be more then happy to help you . 

Ps : write down each day how you feel in the morning and at night. Notice the changes the good and the bad . Notice your mood & thoughts ! Writing things down will help you perceive and notice the things that are changing in a good way and the ones that need more help and observation . At the end of your fast re- read this notes and work towards them little by little . 

God bless you all !!
Peaches and Love xoxo 

Letting go of our baggage !

Caring and loving our bodies is primal. Its not only done by the foods we take in; but also by being conscious of our breath- how much oxygen we are bringing in and out , the thoughts that we retain are they filled with resentment, hate, sadness or  love peace and kindness. We all have a
 [baggage ] and sometimes we are not aware that we are carrying it. Worries, frustration, disappointment, hate, negativity, pain or even excuses for our past actions. Letting go and emptying this baggage would not only let us live a life less tiring but it can improve so many aspects of our life's in which we have carried for so long not being truly aware that it was even there. I suggest you all to be mindful ( including me )and conscious of our baggage discover what is in it and little by little let go of the things that are no longer serving you for the better. Surrender- let that ego stop taking over your life. breathe all the way in to fill your lungs with new oxygen, new opportunities, new blessings  and let all the oxygen out you no longer need ( the ego, hate, pain , past ) be grateful and mindful for what our beautiful amazing perfect bodies do for us, they deserve infinite love and care . #LETGO  #NoMoreBaggage #Be_A_WARRIOR_Not_A_WORRIER 

📷 PHOTO CREDIT By My Lovely Friend : @a_l_officialpage 🎬📷 


ॐ Studio : @Thestretchyoga ॐ