


Winter is here and many of us if not all will happen to catch a cold, sinus congestion or a cough and many will reach for Tylenol, DayQuil , NightQuil or any over the counter medication to get rid of the symptoms or soothe the discomfort , but are we really helping our bodies with this medications or are we just suppressing and hiding the symptoms ? Well we are as humans we often look for the easy way out of things and pharmaceutical companies dont make it any easier since they have hundreds of products for everything with the promise that it will help you with your symptoms. 

The human body is so powerful and amazing , you give it time and rest and it will get better by itself but we live in a fast pace life and we rather take a toxic chemicalize  liquid or pill rather than treat the root of the problem and actually help our bodies get better. 

Pineapple has an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory properties which is called - bromelain - , it helps fight Infections and can kill bacteria. YES ! pineapple is fantastic. The juice of pineapple can suppress cough up to 5 times more than any cough syrup. 

Only one cup of pineapple can contain up to 50% of VitaminC for our daily requirement of vitamin c . Not only does it help to soothe sore throats and help the body expel unnecessary mucous but since pu apple has the anti - inflammatory enzyme it helps with arthritis pain and  swelling. 

Pineapple also contains manganese a mineral that helps form healthy connective tissues and bones, manganese works to absorb more calcium in the body  and increases regular nerve function. 

Researchers have found that pineapple extract has help patients recovers 4.8 times faster than when drinking a cough syrup or prescribed medication. 


Purchase pineapples ( please don't buy canned or frozen as this has more chemicals to be maintained bagged or canned for a longer period of time ).

Simply cut the pineapple into chunks and blend. 


-1 Cup of Fresh Pineapple Juice 
- 1/4 of Fresh lemon juice 
- 1 Piece of Ginger ( 2-3 inches ) 
- 1 Tbs of Organic Raw Honey ( be-careful not to buy the regular honey as this has been extremely processed and won't have the same benefits ) 

- 1/2 table spoon of cayenne pepper 
- 1 clove of garlic ( if cough is very severe and recurrent - Garlic is a Natural Antibiotic ) 

Mixed this ingredients together and drink 2/3 times per day repeat daily 

Cold Busting Juice !

- Juice from 4 or more oranges 
- 3 carrots 
- 1 pineapple 
- 2-3 inches of Ginger  

Drink this juice in the morning and after dinner 

#LetsGetHealthy #NaturesWay #PlantBase #NaturalRemediesWorksBest #GodBlessYouAll #PeaceAndLove 

Yin & Yang

My First Balance Painting 

Yin & Yang -> Life is about balance  we cannot have light without darkness, without pain we wouldn't know comfort . Smile/frown - up/down - Love/Heartbreaks - Female/Male - Tall/short - Funny/Serious- Passive/Active - Moon/Sun - Unhealthy/Healthy - Weak/Strong if we don't experience failure we wouldn't know how Success really feels , if we are never cold we wouldn't crave the warmth or even notice a difference. If we don't loose something sometimes we wouldn't even appreciate their value they had in our lives.

Life is all about equilibrium and how everything comes in two one can be positive to some and one can be negative to others but no matter what we need both. To be able to LIVE life not everything can be a sunshine and rainbow to grow as an individual we need dark and light ,understanding that without one we can't have the other. We as humans can get two positives in our life but once that one negative arrives we make it bigger then the positive & draw all our attention to it without realizing that without this negative we wouldn't have the positive. 

We are responsible for our actions and our ever lasting karma .

Don't get overwhelmed for the negative be grateful for it because of it you and I are growing & evolving make the positive the center of your life & let the negative teach you the important lessons of growth in life. 

Overcoming Depression

 Depression :  May be describe as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, down, recurrent negative thoughts , self harm.

 This is a topic close to my heart & I want to share it with you guys because maybe one of you are going thru something like it or know some one battling with depression and hopefully this may help one way or another.

 For many years I dealt with depression some days more then others but overall it was a day-to-day issue. Then I decided to take medication for it (big mistake ), I was unaware of the harms of these types of medications and was on them for 3 years on and off. Battling with depression is not easy and sometimes not even noticeable on others, because we tent to put this shield and pretend everything is ok or get a costume to the word this is life! our mind has a million and one thoughts and close doors when we are alone its when we feel it a bit more. Depression comes in diferent levels , at different stages of our lifes, teenage years, post partum, loss of a family member or friend, bad grades, unhealthy relatioships, unhealthy home environment or even our jobs just to name a few. Life is full of up and downs at some point we will face unhappy moments that can last a short period of time or even years, depression is treated here with medication or psychotherapy, the reality is that we all will experience a blue moment in our life that may take over our days but a very important tool we need is how we can overcome this feeling no matter your situation. Battling depression at a young age living alone and with all the responsibilities being independent comes with was definitely not easy. That's when alcohol and binge eating took over my life I was not noticing that all my problems where the leading cause of this.Depression medications come with so many side effects and we think its ok because it was prescribed to us, but are these medications really helping us? My opinion is NO, they are just stimulants filled with chemicals that are very harmful to our bodies. This is why they have side effects don't they? Here are a few side effect source (helpguide.com)*Nausea  * Insomnia * Anxiety * Restlessness * Decrease Sex Drive * Dizziness * Weight Gain * Headaches *Constipation *Sleepiness or Fatigue 

so basically we are prescribed a medication to help us feel better and get rid off depression right? Well yes, that is supposed to be the purpose, but the reality is that this medications are only made to make you worst, I don't think if you or I have depression we want to feel even worst by adding all this other symptoms. That will be like taking a medication for a headache that makes your headache worst in other ways, it makes no sense but unfortunately RX are here just for the money not for the sake of our health. 

So were am I going with this, well after having depression and even suicidal thoughts, when I began my life style change and physical activity this symptoms and thoughts began to minimize my view of life was changing and ability to think of the impossible was more clear. Food has so much power it can really change our life’s but becareful because not everything that looks appealing is good for us, this is why I cannot say enough choosing carefully what you eat or give to your kids have a huge influence on how we feel.  FOOD IS MEDICINE. The more plant based diet you have while adding a physical activity you enjoy, the more your serotonin levels rises. Your mood, thoughts and feelings become happier ones. (this does not mean you eat this way you will automatically be depression free). What I mean is that everything comes with life style changes, we all want a magic pill for everything but this has consequences, so what not better then modifying you life style while bettering your health and life in great ways for a better you. 

Here I want to share with you some steps for helping not only our depression but our life’s in general. Loving you, your body and acknowledging how wonderful your are no matter the amount of faults your have ( because guess what – no one is perfect and even the people you think that are the closest they too have faults ) don't compare your self to others, this is one big mistake we often make which can lead us to depressive moods ( because we always wish to have what others have) . Know that you are unique and even when you think you are not enough or are not where you want to be, stop breath and think this twice. YOU and YOU only have the power to manifest wonderful beautiful things here on earth, and even if life is unpleasant to you right now, remember that there is no light without darkness. 

#1 Eating a diet high in nutrients : meaning more fruits and veggies in great quantities. 

#2 Fill Your Plate with Essential Antioxidants 

#3 Eat Smart “ carbs “ for calming effect : Healthy, smart carbohydrates are found in whole, plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, minimally processed whole-grain products like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa and whole-wheat bread as well as beans, lentils, nuts and seeds. *source * Livestrong.com 

#4 Exercise : Weather is taking a walk, jog, yoga, or even jumping in the treadmill.  ( try a work out you have never done take that leap of faith and do it , you will never know how you truly feel about it until you try it !) exercise is essential for a healthier mind and body. 

#5 Be Grateful : Each morning say a small prayer of the things you are Grateful for ( this can help bring out the positive more then the negative, for your day to go smoother) 

#Meditate : even if its 10 min in your home , your bathroom, any where were you are alone and their is minimum noise. Meditation has been found to help with depression weather it is cause by external events or chemicals imbalances in the brain. Having that one to one moment and being able to release all this emotions it is beyond beneficial for our health. After you feel comfortable with it you can take a moment to medicate even on your worst moments at any place. BREATH is LIFE and when we practice meditation and noticing you breath, this will help you maintain stability in your life. So please get you MEDITATION ON, this is for everyone with depression or not.( google meditation classes around your area some might even be free-take advantage of the internet )

#6 Remember the Phrase “ You are what you eat “ – this has to do a lot with mood changes & depression, the more fatty, processed foods, sugary and artificial foods you eat the more you will be on the edge of depression or making it worst.  Because we often associate food with emotions, binge eating can be deadly for many of us. As I like to say – have the good things in moderation and the bad on recession. 

#7 Eat Fruits: Colorful fruits and fruits high in antioxidants help our bodies to reduce oxidation which can be a cause of mood swings and depression. For example ( blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, beans, artichokes, prunes ) 
#8 Love your self; don't ever forget that you are unique, beautiful and without you the world would not be the same, so do things that make you happy and enjoy giving time for yourself. 

#9 Try to do something you like doing at least once a day and little by little you might incorporated more and more, even when your schedule is full all day everyday plan something for your self, it doesn't always have to be about spending money, it can be a walk alone having this time to think breath and release the stress for the past days, visiting a friend, exploring a new city, go get a massage, doing a new exercise or even buying a book and having couple of hours for your self to read it. Anything do anything you like, we often get carried away on the day to day life work, school, kids etc. and then we make it even worst by saying I don't have time, I cant. Remember what I always say what ever you think repeatedly it manifest so take that can't 
and make it into I AM I WILL.

#10 LOVE YOURSELF; don't ever stop loving yourself each and every one of your are special and wonderful in so many ways even if people don't tell you this, just know it. And you’re capable of everything you set your mind, so let think positive and eat healthy vibrant foods. 

` Thank You so much for reading I love you all & don't forget if you are going thru a hard time, if this wouldn't be happening personal growth wouldn't be possible and I’m sure non of us would like to be stuck in the same place so each and every day we are alive to grow learn and teach. 


# GodBlessYouAll <3 

( Disclaimer: I am not a doctor , nor any information mention here is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or presevent any disease. )


Pomegranate & Apple 

Fruit is truly magical , not only does it have vitamins, minerals and sustancial nutrients but they are colorful and vibrant. Mother earth doesn't make mistakes this red orange its in season for a reason ( haha ) the color of fruits has a lot to do with our health.  ( keep reading I'll promise I'll tell you why) 

Pomegranates benefits : high in antioxidants which helps free radicals from our bodies, studies have shown in various participants how it lowers blood pressure , so if you have anyone in your family with hypertension suggest them to drink this juice home made not purchased ( as they all contain artificial ingredients ), wards off the flu ( perfect for this winter ), stimulates the immune system, helps with hemorrhoids, osteoarthritis, menopausal hot flashes ,upset stomach, the list is big haha & last But not least it is said that it can keep you YOUNG [ as stated in the chiniese herbology ] :) REMEMBER FOOD IS MEDICINE - 

Studies has also shown to " inhibit Breast cancer, prostate cancer , colon cancer , leukemia". Each food is made for a health benefit, either to help us see better, skin problems, depression , illnesses & even cancers. When you give your body the right amount and the proper foods it can work miracles. 
    * source - Dr.fuhrman 
The color Red in fruits , why ? How does it help us ? 

Red fruits are loaded with antioxidants [ like I said before this substance help us preventing oxidation in our bodies ] red fruits also have phytochemicals like lycopene and anthocyanins which helps fight heart disease ,prostate cancer and much more  source - webmd .* 

Best sources of lycopene( the bright red pigment & antioxidant ) 

--> Tomato , watermelon , guava , pink grapefruit 

Best red sources of Anthocyanins ( what makes the fruit or veggies appear red,purple or blue ): 

--> red raspberries , strawberries , cranberries , red cabbage , kidney beans, red onions , red apples etc .

So all this colorful fruits are not only here to be different or look pretty. They all have a reason to look and be its own unique way, I suggest you that since they are in season now to go buy some make some juice for you and your family or even sprinkle them in your salads besides looking pretty it will work wonders in your body so let's get POMEGRANATE READY !! :D 

Recipe : 

I used the seed of 
-3 pomegranate 
- 4 tiny apples ( or 1 big apple ) 
- 1 cup of filter water 
- Blend & then strain 

* when blending It , it will turn to this beautiful pink color because of the apples :) 


#Linaloveforhealth #Pomegranates #RecipesWithLove  

Everything is for a reason !

Ever wondered why things happen ? 

Well simply because they are meant to happen, the laughter, the joy, the tears, the broken heart , good grades, bad grades, the worst obstacle you ever encountered  & even your biggest achievement. 

- The people you meet wether they were good to you or not & everything you have experienced until this very moment , IT WAS MEANT TO HAPPEN ! 

As humans and unique individuals we constantly remember the bad more vs the good and tent to morn in this past episodes. But just so you know all this made you who you are today, each year and each laugh made you grow and all the upcoming events will make you GROW even more , that is what life is about GROWING , learning from others and our own events. God created us in such perfection that even when we sin he love us no matter what. Learning from people we meet & our life experiences can help us feel life more in depth. Every single living energy you have met is been For a reason. I have personally never had lasting friendships they always happen to vanish but you know what it's ok, Because it was meat to HAPPEN to me without all the loss of friendships I wouldn't  have found my self in a deeper sense, when you truly enjoy and appreciated Living life even when no one is around you all the time, the connection between you and earth becomes stronger and more valuable. 

Yes they are things we can avoid to happen & we have the power to do so, if it can be avoided so we don't get harm then it should. But what I'm saying is a that don't think about your past for most sad or unbalanced that it was as the worst thing that happen to you, think of it as a book without that beginning the story wouldn't be where it is right now, keep being writing this book of life YOUR LIFE & enjoy the bad and the goods because without them your growth wouldn't happen. 

Smile, Love, Laugh,Cry let you body & soul become better and grow each and every day just know that everything that happened to you made-you YOU & you are as unique, wonderful , precious as YOU can be. 

#LoveYouAll #YouGuysAreBeautiful #EmbraceIt #LiveAndLearn #YouAreUnstoppable #AppreciateYouPast #LoveOthers #DoBetter #LiveHappier #BringPeaceWithinYOu

Dragon Fruit Love

Today's recipe :)

Dragons fruit ( Pitaya ) and Kiwis 

A little background of Dragons fruit this beautiful bright colorful fruit its native from Mexico and prolific in Central America and Asia. 

Health benefits of eating this fruit :
-its filled with Vitamin C perfect for this winter days coming our way ( so instead of buying supplements eat richer fruits with vitamin C ) 

- A natural and good source of Antioxidants with helps prevents the dangers of free radicals which are a leading cause of cancer and other health illnesses. 

- Filled of fiber an important nutrition factor we need in our dietary life style  . Why ? Because it helps us with our bowel movements , can help lower cholesterol and achieve a healthy weight. 

So when ever you encounter with this beautiful fruit don't be afraid to buy one or some to give your body a different source of nutrition. Even tho they are some what expensive if you can buy one once in a blue moon it won't hurt our pockets ( prices can range $4-5 per lbs ) I recently purchased 2 for $3 which is a very very good price, but because they looked a little old & almost no color  I still risked it and purchased them to my surprise they where as good as the others. 

Tip : if you find some and they look a little old or without color, make sure they not very soft if they are not still buy it and save your pockets some extra dollars :) 

Recipe :

To filled a 32 oz jar I used 
- 3 dragons fruits 
- 3 kiwis 

Juice recipe :

Blend 4-5 dragon fruits 
Add 3 very ripe kiwis and one small piece of honey dew if you'd like blend and enjoy !! 

Have a wonderful colorful day & I hope you guys liked the recipe <3 

God bless !! 

CocoBanana Shake !!

Hello Precious Shining Lights !! :D

Here is Today's Recipe  I want to share with you ;) 

We are all on a pretty hectic schedule in the morning some of you might have kids and its a lot more difficult to get a good nutritional breakfast. So  today I made this delicious Banana shake for my breakfast but of course after drinking 16 oz of water first, why ? Well this helps wake up our organs, drinking room temperature water first thing in the morning , it can be added a bit of lemon juice or just plain how ever you like it most. I do this almost every morning ( because sometimes I'm on a super rush haha ) and then I head to take a shower, try this for a week and see how you feel. This is the best way to wake up your organs while getting your metabolism ready for the day ! 

Quick personal story - I had exactly 1 year & 3 months without eating bananas because of the reactions it gave me , a little over a year I found I am lactose intolerant so I always stood away from milk, every time I would eat a banana I would feel the same exact reactions as if I was drinking a glass of milk , but Sometimes I couldn't resist and I would still eat the banana but then I began to notice a strange reaction itchy throat and a rash on my neck, since then I stood away from the yellow beautiful bananas which was very hard to do.  a week and a half ago I did my last detox and then I decided to try a banana the amazing thing was that I no longer felt sick or did I get the rash after eating the banana. How awesome is that ! After months of detoxing I guess my body has finally cleaned that side that was affecting me eating bananas.  This is why juice fasting its a must for detoxification :) 

Back to today's recipe, I made a Cocobanana shake &  it was A M A Z I N G ! 

I used : 

- 5 ripe bananas ( over ripe banana are packed with antioxidants )
- 3 dates 
- 1 1/2 glass of organic coconut milk ( you can find it in whole foods or trader joes & even Amazon ) 
- for extra sweetness I added dried organic white mulberries 

Blend this and enjoy !! 

 #PureFoods #Detoxification #Breakfast #CocoBanana 


This week I have been placed in different  situations where helping others really touched me, it made me realize that life is like a circle what ever you do , what ever you say , what ever you think it comes back either to bless you or to hurt you depending on your daily actions, when helping others is one of your priorities in your life, so many blessings can happen.I'm not saying do something just because you want to receive something in return, do it from your heart because it flourishes, we are so used to of judging others or thinking we are better then others , which it shouldn't be that way because each of us are in this earth for a purpose and each of us brings something special to earth even if it's the most tiniest thing possible. When you help others without judging their state this becomes self therapy, the joy you receive for doing something good from your heart leads your to want to do it more often and seeing life differently, this can be truly medicine for the soul.  As they always say " what goes up must come down " so if we really lived by this don't you think we would be more aware of our actions ? even maybe doing better which then it would turn out to blessings for you. I noticed this week that when I do things from my heart and I love others no matter wha. Amazing things manifest after this, like I said life is a circle to me so what ever vibrations I'm sending I will slowly but surely would come back to me. so every time we send does negative vibrations our life happens to get all this negative things & without obvious explanation but if we really stopped and think for our behaviors we would understand it more. Being healthy is not only about what you eat but what happen in your life every day , your home , your job , your friendships, relationship & in your spiritual life. Having a balance in al this can help you understand more about balancing a healthy life. 

Love others as you love your self ! 
Do positive things - enjoy a positive life <3 


Fill your Kitchen with the rainbow of life!

 Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body to extend your life , to regenerate your cells & to hydrate your body for optimal living. 

Eating healthy is not boring , bringing this colorful foods into your body will make your life colorful too, remember the phrase " You are what you eat " well this pretty much goes with it, when eating fast foods, continuous fried foods, and processed foods you will feels tired, gain weight , acne, depression, mood swings, and diseases are more prone to happen now or later on in your life, but with the rainbow of life colorful fruits and vegetables, you will notice how vibrant your life is, the connection between humans and food is immense when you eat a diet high in this foods you are prone to see life diffently, acne to clear out, instead of depression you will appreciate life and work your way to remain happy , manage your weigh and even lose some lbs, but most important your diet is the key to reverse diseases. 

So let's Make it count & let's eat LIFE LIVING FOODS 

#HappySuperMonday #EatToLive #TheRainbow #Revitalize #Regenerate #Linaloveforhealth 

Star Fruit & Passion Fruit Benefits

Happy Sabbath 🙏 

Today's Breakfast : Blueberries, Star Fruit & Passion Fruit !! 

Yesterday I was on my way to yoga class , the train I was on happend to take longer then expected so I couldn't make it , I was a little upset but then I thought it's ok tomorrow is another day so I decided to get of in 59 th st and stop at the Whole Foods ( My favorite Home haha ) I needed to get some coconut milk for my future recipes :) , of course I stopped in the amazing fruit and veggie section lol and right when I was about to leave that section I encounter a basket of passion fruit and star fruit , I've eaten star fruit before so I said whoop I'm getting me some of this & then I saw the passion fruit I have always drank the juice but never actually ate the fruit raw so I asked what was the best way to pick them so i did :) . While I was on the train I search about the health benefits of this two and I came across that both are very high in antioxidants ( something I'm working on having more in my daily diet for reversing my eye sight  ) and then I found out that Passion Fruit Helps promote Good Eye Sight !!! I was so happy and said you see everything happens for a reason didn't make it to my yoga class but I had the opportunity to find a new delicious fruits that are not only high in antioxidants but helps with VISION !! So Fantastic ! ( Now I need to go back to get me a box haha ) here are some Facts about this Awesome Fruits 

Star Fruit --> is high in antioxidants , vitamin C vitamin  B & some Electrolytes 

Medicinal Uses --> In Brazil it is said that is used as a diuretic ( to increase the urine output ) which helps with body inflammation or water retention , specially for those drinking hypertension medications. 

Passion Fruit -->  high in antioxidants, vitamin C and, minerals and fiber . 

medical uses ---> "Good fiber in the diet helps remove cholesterol from the body. "  "Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against flu-like infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals." As stated in nutrition-and-you.com 

Hope you guys are able to take a trip to your rarest whole food and have a taste of this delicious fruits . 

God bless you all & Have a fantastic Day LOVE YOU ALL !! 

DAY 3 of Raw Food and Blueberry Bliss

Day 3 of Raw Food & Blueberry Bliss✨

Yesterday I was feeling the detox , I had mild headaches throughout the day , but I know my body was detoxing I went to the bathroom several times and I felt my insides cleansing, so I didn't pay much attention to the headaches instead I bought raw almonds and drank lots and lots of water exactly ( 70 oz ) by late afternoon they were gone. When you listen to your body & understand it you learn to not panic over this pains it's all Ok for it to happen, drinking water and eating raw almonds while having a head stimulates your brain it send oxygen & the almonds work like an aspirin. Today I feel so good and happy I did this delicious raw food combination in my diet this week, since I recently went to california I ate to much carbs because unfortunately the city we were staying at it was a industrial and full of big companies with one fast food chains to eat from :( and since I don't eat from those places my only options was bread and fruits and some salads haha ! Besides feel awesome today I lost 2 lbs I didn't do this to loose any weight but HEY ! That's a super awesome bonus Ha ! 

Suggestions : 

I definitely suggest for you and I to introduce lots of more raw foods into our diet , more lefty greens , and all types of raw fruits you like, go and buy a new fruit or veggie you've never tried and see how that goes :) try to at least have one raw meal per day this can either be for your breakfast , lunch or better yet diner ! This is very helpful of us that are on a busy schedule all the time and because last minute harmful
Decision are often made. A good option is to make two 32 oz juice the night before save it in a mason jar ( because they have an airtight cap ) and this allows your food or drink to be safer and not go bad so quickly solo or this the next morning your on the GO you have that ready for you and there no need to go Dunkin  Donut or Start Bucks shopping ( which they are high in GMO's and very harmful for our bodies. 

Today Recipe 

- 3 6 oz of blueberries 
- 3 carrots 
- 1 big cup of pineapple chunks 

 - 1 6 oz of frozen blueberries for on the Go meal :) 

 -   NAMASTE -