

Everything is for a reason !

Ever wondered why things happen ? 

Well simply because they are meant to happen, the laughter, the joy, the tears, the broken heart , good grades, bad grades, the worst obstacle you ever encountered  & even your biggest achievement. 

- The people you meet wether they were good to you or not & everything you have experienced until this very moment , IT WAS MEANT TO HAPPEN ! 

As humans and unique individuals we constantly remember the bad more vs the good and tent to morn in this past episodes. But just so you know all this made you who you are today, each year and each laugh made you grow and all the upcoming events will make you GROW even more , that is what life is about GROWING , learning from others and our own events. God created us in such perfection that even when we sin he love us no matter what. Learning from people we meet & our life experiences can help us feel life more in depth. Every single living energy you have met is been For a reason. I have personally never had lasting friendships they always happen to vanish but you know what it's ok, Because it was meat to HAPPEN to me without all the loss of friendships I wouldn't  have found my self in a deeper sense, when you truly enjoy and appreciated Living life even when no one is around you all the time, the connection between you and earth becomes stronger and more valuable. 

Yes they are things we can avoid to happen & we have the power to do so, if it can be avoided so we don't get harm then it should. But what I'm saying is a that don't think about your past for most sad or unbalanced that it was as the worst thing that happen to you, think of it as a book without that beginning the story wouldn't be where it is right now, keep being writing this book of life YOUR LIFE & enjoy the bad and the goods because without them your growth wouldn't happen. 

Smile, Love, Laugh,Cry let you body & soul become better and grow each and every day just know that everything that happened to you made-you YOU & you are as unique, wonderful , precious as YOU can be. 

#LoveYouAll #YouGuysAreBeautiful #EmbraceIt #LiveAndLearn #YouAreUnstoppable #AppreciateYouPast #LoveOthers #DoBetter #LiveHappier #BringPeaceWithinYOu

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