

DAY 3 of Raw Food and Blueberry Bliss

Day 3 of Raw Food & Blueberry Bliss✨

Yesterday I was feeling the detox , I had mild headaches throughout the day , but I know my body was detoxing I went to the bathroom several times and I felt my insides cleansing, so I didn't pay much attention to the headaches instead I bought raw almonds and drank lots and lots of water exactly ( 70 oz ) by late afternoon they were gone. When you listen to your body & understand it you learn to not panic over this pains it's all Ok for it to happen, drinking water and eating raw almonds while having a head stimulates your brain it send oxygen & the almonds work like an aspirin. Today I feel so good and happy I did this delicious raw food combination in my diet this week, since I recently went to california I ate to much carbs because unfortunately the city we were staying at it was a industrial and full of big companies with one fast food chains to eat from :( and since I don't eat from those places my only options was bread and fruits and some salads haha ! Besides feel awesome today I lost 2 lbs I didn't do this to loose any weight but HEY ! That's a super awesome bonus Ha ! 

Suggestions : 

I definitely suggest for you and I to introduce lots of more raw foods into our diet , more lefty greens , and all types of raw fruits you like, go and buy a new fruit or veggie you've never tried and see how that goes :) try to at least have one raw meal per day this can either be for your breakfast , lunch or better yet diner ! This is very helpful of us that are on a busy schedule all the time and because last minute harmful
Decision are often made. A good option is to make two 32 oz juice the night before save it in a mason jar ( because they have an airtight cap ) and this allows your food or drink to be safer and not go bad so quickly solo or this the next morning your on the GO you have that ready for you and there no need to go Dunkin  Donut or Start Bucks shopping ( which they are high in GMO's and very harmful for our bodies. 

Today Recipe 

- 3 6 oz of blueberries 
- 3 carrots 
- 1 big cup of pineapple chunks 

 - 1 6 oz of frozen blueberries for on the Go meal :) 

 -   NAMASTE - 

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